At the Ordinary General Meeting Thursday 11th of April three new life science profiles were elected to Medicon Valley Alliance’s (MVA’s) Board of Directors.

The new board members are Maria Björkqvist, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Professor, Research group leader Brain Disease biomarker Unit, Julia Davies, Professor of Oral Biology at Malmö University, Professor of Oral Biology at Malmö University, and Matthew Iles, General Manager, AbbVie Scandinavia.

“As chairman of the board I am very pleased to welcome the new academia representatives from Lund and Malmö universities, Maria Björkqvist and Julia Davies, who will replace Kristina Åkesson, Dean at Faculty of Medicine Lund University and Thomas Arnebrant, Pro Vice-Chancellor, who have served on the board with dedication and commitment for several years,” says chairman of the Board Niels Abel Bonde, VP HCP Marketing Obesity, Novo Nordisk. “From the industry side its a pleasure to welcome General Manager Mathhew Iles from AbbVie Scandinavia, which once again reaffirms it’s commitment the Medicon Valley cluster. A very special thanks to former General Manager, Linn Mandahl, (now General Manager AbbVie Switzerland) who was instrumental in building the current MVA -AbbVie partnership.”

Julia Davies

“I am very excited to be joining the board of directors of Medicon Valley Alliance. As a longstanding member of the MVA Microbiome Network I have gained good insight into how important partnerships between academia, different service providers and industry are in really advancing our knowledge and bringing new healthcare solutions to the market. I am looking forward to being part of this valuable and unique science cluster and contributing on behalf of Malmö University” says Julia Davies, Professor of Oral Biology at Malmö University, Professor of Oral Biology at Malmö University.

Matthew Iles

“I am extremely happy to join the Medicon Valley Alliance Board of Directors. To me MVA has always been the leading Life science cluster in the Nordics. I look forward in learning more about the collaboration and opportunities between Academia, Biotech and Pharma and contributing to the growth of Life Science activities and industry in the Nordics,” says Matthew Iles, General Manager, AbbVie Scandinavia.

Maria Björkqvist

“I am happy and honoured to step in as academia representative in the board. I look forward to be able to contribute to MVAs important work in promoting Medicon Valley as an attractive life science cluster,” says Maria Björkqvist, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Professor, Research group leader Brain Disease biomarker Unit.

Photo: iStock