The company has been chosen as sole supplier to a screening project for atrial fibrillation in Great Britain.

The project is the largest longterm screening project with the aim to prevent stroke in the world to date, and the largest single deal in the 15 year history of Zenicor, according to the company press release. The total value of the deal is approximately 7 MSEK.

“It is very pleasing that Zenicor has been chosen in fierce competition with all the international players in the market. The project confirms Zenicor-ECG as the primary method of screening for atrial fibrillation,” said Zenicor’s CEO Mats Palerius.

The purpose of the project is to investigate whether screening for atrial fibrillation prevents stroke and other problems in comparison to current routine care and if it is cost effective. The project is being conducted by Cambridge University in the UK and funded by the NIHR, National Institute for Health Research. The screening project is scheduled to commence in the summer of 2018 and will last until 2021.

Over 300 GP offices in England will participate and the total number of participants will be 120,000 (between 65-84 years), of whom 40,000 will be invited to screen with Zenicor ECG and 80,000 will serve as a control group. The project is headed by Prof. Jonathan Mant, investigator in both primary care and stroke prevention. Mant and his research team led, among other things, the groundbreaking SAFE study (2005), the to date largest primary care-based study for screening and treatment of atrial fibrillation.