Recipharm has appointed Thomas Beck to a new position, vice president, quality management, effective April 1, 2015. Since 2010 Beck has been head of quality control and assurance – quality manager for Recipharm. He is also president of the pharmaceutical section for quality assurance. 

Beck’s duties will include leading and coordinating quality strategy and policy in all group subsidiaries. He will also evaluate the group’s quality work and support the company’s sales activities by acting as a primary contact for quality departments with new customers.

The new position, which reports directly to the EVP chief operating officer, will help the management team respond to recent rapid growth. 

Thomas Eldered, Recipharm’s CEO, says, “This new position will strengthen the group management and address the challenges of quality assurance that our industry is facing. Thomas Beck will play a crucial role in our efforts to ensure that the whole Recipharm Group meets the highest quality standards.”


Source: Recipharm