Clinical Trials - February 14, 2017
A1M Pharma initiates GLP toxicology studies
A1M Pharma’s manufacturing partner has completely manufactured the first large scale batch of the active substance in the candidate drug ROSGard and A1M Pharma has now decided to use this batch in the upcoming GLP toxicology studies. During 2016, A1M Pharma has performed an up-scaling of the manufacturing process for the active substance in the […]

Clinical Trials - December 13, 2016
A1M Pharma’s substance shows protective effect
The active substance in their candidate drug ROSGard shows a strong renal protective effect in connection with radiation therapy (PRRT) in a short-term preclinical study with an animal model. During the autumn of 2016, A1M Pharma chose kidney protection in connection with molecular targeted therapy to treat tumours (PRRT) as their first clinical application within […]

Clinical Trials - November 30, 2016
Preclinical results from A1M Pharma
A1M Pharma has successfully and according to plan conducted the first part of the company’s toxicology/safety studies with the pharmaceutical compound in the company’s candidate drug ROSGard. In the studies, a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) has been established in two different animal models. These results will be used to establish the dosage levels to be […]

Uncategorized - September 14, 2016
A1M Pharma selects first indication within acute kidney injury
A1M Pharma, who develops and commercializes medical applications based on the endogenous protein A1M, has selected kidney protection in connection with radiation therapy for cancer (PRRT) as the first indication for their work within acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim is to be able to increase the radiation dose in order to fight the cancer […]

Collaboration - March 25, 2014
Neurovive collaborates with A1M Pharma
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB and A1M Pharma AB have announced that the two companies are initiating a research collaboration in mitochondrial medicine. Initially, the purpose of the collaboration is to utilize the companies’ complementary scientific platforms within the framework of ongoing research projects. The companies will evaluate results achieved to date, then explore the potential for […]