Teachers Who Keep Learning Stay Healthier

Educators who are involved in professional development and learning on the job tend to be healthier, according to a Swedish study.
The study was based on interviews with 229 teachers at 20 schools in Sweden’s Vestre, Götaland County. Teachers were surveyed about their health, quality development and opportunities to learn during working hours. The research confirmed several previous studies that showed a link between learning and health.
Teachers who claimed to be in a “flow” tended to have the best health. Flow was described as a state in which one is fully dedicated to an activity in the most effective way, while at the same time the task is described as highly stimulating.
“This research shows that we need to be continuously developing ourselves and learning new skills, in order to maintain our health. This applies to our jobs as well as the rest of our lives,” says Yvonne Lagrosen, a senior lecturer at University West, in Trollhättann, Sweden.
The study has been published in the International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences.
Source: ScienceNordic
Published: March 6, 2015