AroCell collaborates with Tampere University Hospital

The purpose of the collaboration is to evaluate AroCell’s TK 210 ELISA for Thymidine Kinase 1 (TK1) as a prognostic biomarker in subjects with prostate cancer.
In the study TK1 protein levels will be assayed in serum samples collected from subjects with newly diagnosed prostate cancer and compared with the extent and speed of disease progression.
There is an acknowledged need for better prognostic tools in prostate cancer as in many men, the disease will take a benign course, states the company. There is a need to avoid over-treatment of these subjects while obtaining more accurate monitoring of those with active disease. This is particularly important with the advent of new and more effective therapies for prostate cancer.
The Prostate Research Center at Tampere University Hospital
The study will be executed in collaboration with the Prostate Research Center at Tampere University Hospital and coordinated by Professor Teemu Murtola of the Pharmacoepidemiology and Chemoprevention of Urological Cancer Research Group.
“We are excited to work together with Tampere University Hospital, one of the world’s leading centers for prostate cancer research,” says Michael Brobjer, CEO of AroCell. “The AroCell TK 210 ELISA kit is a cost-efficient way to improve the monitoring of subjects with prostate cancer via a simple blood test, reducing costs and morbidity and improving patient welfare.”
Photo of Tampere University Hospital: By I, Cryonic07, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikipedia
Published: October 16, 2019