The arrested Getinge employee suspected of insider dealing has now been detained.

The man is detained on resasonable grounds suspected for inside dealing, reports Swedish news site Committal proceedings were initiated on April 11. Prosecutor Jan Leopoldson has sent in a remand order where he refers to the risks of the suspect eliminating evidence or in another way aggravate the investigation. There is also a risk of the suspected continuing with the criminal activitites. The district court chose to go with both of the prosecutor’s motions.

The man who works at the IT department at Getinge has according to the prosecutor made deals on non public information during three occasions. Two of the deals have been made in connection to profit warnings.

According to Getinge, no other employee at Getinge AB is at present suspected of crimes. In a press release Kornelia Rasmussen, Getinge Group Communications Director, said: “This is highly regrettable and we take this incident very seriously. From the outset, we have cooperated with the Swedish Economic Crime Authority in its

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investigation. Parallel to the investigation by the Economic Crime Authority, we have initiated an internal investigation.”


Read more: Getinge staff member arrested