Marinus regains ganaxolone’s commercial rights in Europe where the compound is approved for the adjunctive treatment of epileptic seizures associated with cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder (CDD) in patients two to 17 years of age. CDD is a serious and rare genetic disorder. Orion suspends all ganaxolone-related activities in Europe, including the ongoing preparations to launch the product.

Focus on oncology and pain

Based on Orion’s strategic choice to focus on oncology and pain in its innovative business, Orion deems that returning the European rights back to Marinus provides the best option for finding a solution to make the product globally available to the patients who need it.

In connection with the termination of the agreement, Marinus pays Orion EUR 1.5 million in first half of 2025 for regaining the commercial rights of ganaxolone in Europe. In 2021, Orion paid Marinus EUR 25 million for the rights.