Global report - July 15, 2015
World Not Ready for ‘Superbugs’
Only 34 countries have national plans to fight antibiotic resistance, which means very few are prepared to tackle an outbreak of a “superbug” infection, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The 34 nations that indicated they were addressing the problem represent a quarter of the 133 countries that responded to a recent WHO survey. […]
Collaboration - May 29, 2015
Poultry Probiotic in Works
Adisseo and Novozymes have formed a partnership to develop and market a probiotic for poultry. Novozymes will be responsible for in-vitro screening, development and production, while Adisseo will manage in-vivo testing, marketing and sales. The partners expect to launch the product within the next 12 months, according to “The world needs new solutions to […]
Uncategorized - November 27, 2014
Test ID’s Antibiotic Resistance
Scientists from Uppsala University, the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) in Stockholm and Uppsala University Hospital have developed a new method of rapidly identifying which bacteria are causing an infection and determining whether they are resistant or sensitive to antibiotics. The findings are now being published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology. ‘Clinical use of […]