Business article - February 20, 2016
A new era for Finnish life science
The Finnish health sector is getting a boost, creating a vital life science industry, where the field of digital health especially is growing at a rapid pace. No countries were spared when the economic crisis hit the entire world back in 2008. Finland took a big hit, and so did its life science sector. But […]
Uncategorized - December 25, 2015
Norway: A rising life science nation
Large investments in biotech and prominent research in cancer and neuroscience are making Norway a life science force to be reckoned with. Its beautiful long coastline has given Norway a blossoming fishing industry and successful developments in marine biotechnology and aquaculture. The rich resources of oil and gas have to a large part provided Norway […]
Uncategorized - March 31, 2015
What is the future for the Life Science in Scandinavia?
On Wednesday 8th April, the 4th Future of the Swedish and Danish Life Science event will be held at Medicon Village. AstraZeneca announced its closure of the Lund site over 3 years ago and today there is a thriving village of more than 1100 people and 100 companies and organisations are part of Medicon Village. […]
Uncategorized - November 11, 2014
Life Science in Sweden
A government report on the future of life science in Sweden in part calls for strong academics, positive growth conditions for businesses and government support to sustain industry gains. The report, “A Competitive Ecosystem for Life Science,” is the result of meetings with 80 organizations and companies in Sweden’s life science sector and looks at […]
Business article - April 15, 2013
Hotlist to attract life science investments to Stockholm
In order to attract more foreign investors to finding partners in Stockholm and Uppsala, the business region is launching a top list with the hottest investment prospects. The Stockholm-Uppsala Life Science Investment Hotlist will present the most attractive and interesting companies from the region. “The overriding objective is to make the companies visible among the […]