Collaboration - July 10, 2017
Why science is vibrant in Trondheim
With a long history in science and education, strong corporate links and cross-disciplinary projects, Trondheim has made an important mark on both the national and the international life science map. Science and learning has a long and proud tradition in Trondheim. Trondhiemske Selskab, Trondheim Academy, was founded in 1760 as Norway’s first academic society and the library, […]

Uncategorized - August 27, 2014
Treating cancer with botox
Botox could become a new cancer treatment. In laboratory tests at The Faculty of medicine, NTNU University in Trondheim, Botox proved highly effective at suppressing gastric cancer in mice. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Columbia University and MIT, along with researchers from Japan and Germany have now shown that the vagal […]