NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, has performed a review of available scientific data and compiled factual basis to facilitate decisions regarding the use of the asthma treatment Airsonett within British healthcare.

NICE has done a so called Medtech Innovation Briefing where the institute notes that Airsonett could improve the life quality for patients with severe asthma, without risk for side effects from the treatment. The conclusion is based on results from clinical studies and asthma specialists’ experiences from treatment with Airsonett.

“The international interest in Airsonett is continuing to grow and we welcome the knowledge base presented by NICE. We are convinced that this will facilitate local healthcare providers’ decision on using Airsonett in British healthcare,” commented Fredrik Werner, CEO at Airsonett.

Airsonett is a medical device for patients with allergic asthma. It is based on TLA, Temperature controlled Laminar Airflow, which creates a radically reduced allergen exposure in the breathing zone. The treatment is based on a Swedish patent.

Airsonett AB is a privately owned Swedish company. SEB Venture Capital, Industrifonden and Magnus Lundberg are among the company’s main owners.