
NLS Best Talent

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Senior Design Control Engineer, Design Control & Risk Management, ALK

ALK helps people living with allergy. By providing solutions that make life with allergy surprisingly simple they make a difference for many people. The Company builds upon a strong heritage as a pioneer in allergy immunotherapy and they will continue to innovate, develop, and market new products and solutions for people with allergy. ALK is […]

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Analytical QC Specialist, Ascendis Pharma

Ascendis Pharma A/S, a publicly held, biopharmaceutical company founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2007, committed to addressing unmet medical needs. Ascendis Pharma is applying its innovative platform technology to build a leading, fully integrated biopharma company focused on making a meaningful difference in patients’ lives. Guided by their core values of patients, science, and passion, […]

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Technical Sales Manager Pharma, Brenntag

Brenntag is the global market leader in chemical and specialty ingredients distribution and has a central role in the chemical industry´s value chain. Brenntag turns 150 years this year and has activities in 78 countries with more than 700 locations. With a revenue of 16,8 billion Euros, the company employs more than 17.500 people worldwide […]

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Director Pharma Engineering

Virksomheden er en del af en større vision og et solidt fundament inden for koncernen, etableret med en klar mission siden 2000. Denne tilknytning giver ikke kun styrke, men også en række fordele ved at være en del af en bredere gruppe af virksomheder i koncernen. Virksomheden dækker flere forretningsområder, heriblandt en succesfuld og selvstændig […]

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Compliance Specialist, GMP Pharma, BIOFAC

Orthana A/S indgår i BIOFAC koncernen og er beliggende i Kastrup. Det er en 100 % danskejet, bioteknologisk virksomhed, der i mere end 70 år har produceret og udviklet API’er til lægemidler, råvarer og kosmetiske produkter til veterinær- og helsekostprodukter. I dag udgør eksporten mere end 98 % af omsætningen. Virksomhedskulturen er uformel og rummelig […]

Best Talent - April 10, 2024

Service Technician Laboratory

The company is a global leading solution provider in laboratory technology. They serve a wide range of industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Food & Beverage, Feed, Environmental Analysis, and Academia. They have a worldwide network of subsidiaries and support centers, and many distribution partners, ensuring proximity and global reach. The company offers unique laboratory equipment, […]

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