Håkan Mogren Prize to Elisabeth Lidbrink

The Håkan Mogren Foundation has awarded its 2015 medical stipend to the cancer specialist Elisabet Lidbrink in recognition of her outstanding contributions to alleviating human suffering.
Elisabet Lidbrink, oncology consultant at Karolinska University Hospital, is awarded the prize for her strong commitment to women with breast cancer and for her support of younger colleagues. She sets an example with her humane patient approach.
Elisabet Lidbrink has 30 years’ experience as an oncologist. During this time, she has been relentless in her efforts to ensure that women with breast cancer receive the best care and treatment possible, and that they are treated with dignity and empathy.
The doctor-patient relationship is an important part of the caring process. Elisabet Lidbrink often receives the most difficult cases, those whose treatments have failed and whose cancer has spread to other organs. In the midst of sadness and despair, Elisabet Lidbrink manages to find hope and to share it with her patients. Her commitment is that every patient will receive the best care and treatment available and that when all options are exhausted, the patient’s remaining days will be as healthy as possible.
“Elisabet Lidbrink puts the patient first and always from a place of passion and empathy. She is an amazing mentor to the next generation of oncologists and a role model who exemplifies what true cancer care is all about,” says Håkan Mogren .
The Håkan Mogren Foundation was established in 2012. Its dual purpose is to promote education and research within the medical field and to promote the education and training of classical musicians, particularly singers.
Within the medical field, the purpose of the stipend is as follows: to provide the opportunity for well-qualified, scientifically competent and clinically active physicians to improve themselves professionally, or to carry out research in a particular field of interest to them. To be eligible for the stipend from The Håkan Mogren Foundation, candidates must have established a reputation for caring for their patients with empathy and passion, and they should also be currently active, or planning to be active, in disseminating knowledge through lectures or the supervision of others.
The award includes a diploma and a personal prize of SEK 250,000. Elisabet Lidbrink will receive the Prize in conjunction with Karolinska Institutet’s installation ceremony on 15 October 2015.
Source: Karolinska Institutet
Photo: Stefan Zimmerman
Published: September 21, 2015