The Digital Health Days in Stockholm began yesterday and today will be yet another day filled with interesting speakers and innovative companies. 

For the third year Digital Health Days at Stockholmsmässan offers visitors two days of inspiring seminars, challenging discussions and hands-on workshops.

“Digital Health Days represents a new type of format, where interactivity is key and the participants really participate, they don’t just sit and listen or walk around admiring products in stands. The round-table discussions, debates, and active use of social media also involves those not present at the site. All this contributes to a great spirit,” says Patric Sjöberg, CEO of Stockholmsmässan.

The conference focuses on the transformation within the healthcare system, patient empowerment, the emerging business opportunities, the new healthcare ecosystem with new and non-traditional players and trends in related research areas such as Biosensors, Big Data, AAL and Gamification. Activities include pitches by European startups, VC panels, demos and hands-on workshops on design thinking and patient involvement. There will also be on stage announcements of winners of scientific awards, winners of health hacks and new company collaborations.

The goal with Digital Health Days is to catalyze the progress in digital health internationally, strengthen the local ecosystem and position Stockholm as a premium meeting spot for professionals involved in the digital health transformation.

Highlights from the program

This year’s three conference themes are the Patient in Focus, Sustainability and Implementation. The program also includes a number of highly interesting speakers.

For example, Anna Omstedt Lindgren, a digital platform pioneer (read our interview with her on Editors Pick) and Brian Goldman, an emergency physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto and the host of the CBC´s award-winning radio show “White Coat, Black Art”, where he takes listeners behind the scenes of hospitals and doctor’s offices. They both spoke yesterday.

Today Juliane Zielonka, the co-founder and CEO of LARAcompanion, will speak about her mobile health program for overcoming infertility (SaaS in women’s reproductive health) and Chander Chawla, a businessman who brings a global perspective to technology and design.