LIDDS’ technology receives US patent
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for the NanoZolid technology patent.
The same patent was approved by the European Patent Office in 2018. With this new US patent, the NanoZolid technology will be protected until 2037 in both Europe and in the US. LIDDS will pursue additional patent applications in all major markets to establish a worldwide patent extension.
Aim of out-licensing
This new patent protects fundamental parts of the production process for all types of NanoZolid based formulations that LIDDS develops with the aim of out-licensing to the pharmaceutical industry.
“As the new patent substantially extends the patent protection of our NanoZolid technology, it has a strong commercial upside in terms of prolonged partner agreements and royalty payments. This patent is of fundamental importance to LIDDS and to our future licencees,” says Monica Wallter, CEO of LIDDS.
A Notice of Allowance is issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office after a patent examiner has decided to issue the requested patent and is the final step in the patent process.
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Published: March 26, 2019