SciLifeLab to be reviewed
The Swedish Research Council has by order of the Swedish government been assigned to evaluate the operations at the research center.
SciLifeLab is run in collaboration by KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. The purpose with the review is to bring clarity on how the four institutions have organized the different parts of running the center, also KTH’s function as administrator and how the government funds are used.
In the latest research and innovation proposition, presented in the fall of 2012, SciLifeLab received extra funding. Starting from 2013 the center receives SEK 150 million annually until 2015. In the following year SciLifeLab will get another raise to SEK 200 million.
The task of reviewing the research center was given by the Minister for Education Jan Björklund and is to be presented in a report to the Ministry of Education and Research by June 30 2015.
Published: March 5, 2014