Spago Nanomedical’s Tumorad patent approved in Japan

Spago Nanomedical has received notice of allowance for the company’s patent application including Tumorad product protection in Japan.
”The patent covers the nanomaterial that is central for the Tumorad-project. As Japan represent a potentially large market for radionuclide therapies, this approval is important. It also underscores the quality of our innovation and strengthens the commercial prospects of the project,” says Spago Nanomedical CEO Mats Hansen.
Valid until 2035
The patent, titled ”Nanostructures and applications thereof” is valid until 2035.
With the approval Spago Nanomedical holds product protection for Tumorad in the largest markets for radionuclide therapy. Patent protection has previously been granted in several strategically important regions, including the USA and EU.
Tumorad is a new type of radionuclide therapy based on Spago Nanomedical’s material and a therapeutically relevant radioisotope for tumor selective radiation therapy of cancer. Tumorad holds potential for treatment of aggressive and metastatic tumors, as monotherpay or in synergy with other treatment types.
Currently an extensive program for documentation of proof of concept is ongoing in preparation for preclinical safety studies and clinical trials, states the company.
Image: Tumorad. Photo: Emil Aaltonen
Published: April 24, 2020