The investment of 3,5 billion SEK, presented by Next Step and Vectura in collaboration with AstraZeneca, will enable the formation of a new arena for life science and innovation in Gothenburg.

The aim is that the new cluster will become a leading international research cluster. It will be established in the area of AstraZeneca’s facilities in Mölndal and the project leaders expect that the first new companies and institutions will be able to move into the new cluster by 2021. The goal is to create and develop 100 000 square metres for commercial spaces and innovative workplaces.

“This project contains so much more than just a building with a lot of office spaces. The vision is a research arena of the future, wich will have a great importance for Sweden’s competitiveness,” stated Marie Östh Karlsson, chairman of the municipality in Mölndal.

A role model in this project is Stanford University where meetings and interactions between people has been an important ingredient for success.

“Industries that are dependent on innovation and creative thinking need to flourish in an environment where experts within different areas easily can meet and interact with each other,” says David Sim, Creative Director at Gehl Architects.

AstraZeneca will continue to play a central role in the area. The Mölndal complex is one of the company’s three strategic research sites and last year around 15 billion SEK was invested in R&D here.

“We strongly believe in a life science cluster in this region, since it would mean very good prerequisites and increase cross-fertilization, innovation and attractiveness. The innovation chain is important for AstraZeneca and our ambition to be the hub in one of the world’s leading research clusters. In order to succeed it is critical that we attract key competencies and collaborations,” said Jan-Olof Jacke,CEO of AstraZeneca Sweden.

The start of the construction will be 2019 and in a first phase the cluster will be developed during 10 years. In 2030 the cluster is calculated to have 7 000 new workplaces.

Photo showing Jacob Torell, CEO Next Step Group, Susanne Ekblom, CEO Vectura Fastigheter, Jan-Olof Jacke, CEO AstraZeneca Sweden. Photo: Fredrik Persson.