The Nobel Week has begun

As always in the middle of the December, Stockholm is ready for a week of festivities, interesting lectures and a great chance to honor great scientists.
And as always, Nordic Life Science, will provide you with in-depth articles about this year’s discoveries in medicine and chemistry, as well as exclusive interviews with the Laureates. Do not miss our Nobel Issue of the magazine, out in the end of January, and visit for daily Nobel updates.
About the Prize
The Nobel Prize was founded in 1895 by Alfred Nobel (Stockholm 1833 – San Remo 1896). He was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. In his last will he instituted the Nobel Prizes. These are international awards administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Prize is one of the Nordic region’s most famous trademarks and annually honors achievements in physics, physiology or medicine, chemistry, literature and peace. In 1968 the National Bank of Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Prize itself consists of a medal, a personal diploma and a cash award. The Nobel Prize amount for 2013 is SEK 8.0 million per full Nobel Prize.
Several of our most important discoveries have been honored with Nobel Prizes throughout the years. For example, the molecular structure of DNA (Watson, Crick and Wilkins, 1962), the discovery of radium and polonium (Marie Curie, 1911) and the discovery of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria (Marshall and Warren, 2005).
The awards ceremony takes place on December 10th at the Stockholm Concert Hall, where each laureate receives their Prize from the hands of his Majesty the King of Sweden. In the evening the Nobel Banquet is held at the Stockholm City Hall.
Photographer: © Nobel Media AB/Photo/Alex Ljungdahl
Read more about the Nobel Prize:
The Nobel Laureates met the press
Norway’s first Nobel Prize in Medicine
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Ada E Yonath: A Nobel Laureate 2009
Jack W Szostak: A Nobel Laureate 2009
Published: December 7, 2015