Pilloxa in strategic partnership with Bayer

Swedish Pilloxa is initiating a collaboration with the Scandinavian branch of Bayer and get the opportunity to introduce more people to their smart pillbox through Bayer’s network, both in Scandinavia and globally.
“We see great potential in this innovation. For someone not too familiar in the subject it might seem like a trivial task to take one’s medicine. The reality shows that poor adherence to medication is one of the biggest medicine-related issues that affects healthcare; many, especially chronically ill patients, could get better treatment. We also see that the product can improve the quality when following up with the patients,” says Ingalill Hyltander, Commercial Operations Director, Bayer Scandinavia.
About Pilloxa
The startup Pilloxa has it roots in the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Region Stockholm and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Pilloxa helps patients take their medicine in time by using an app that is connected to a smart pillbox. The user gets a reminder if they are about to forget their dose. In the app there is also an up-to-date medicine list, a dashboard visualizing one’s medication history and a motivational tool. Poor adherence to medication leads to both medical risks for the patients as well as increased strain on the healthcare system, both in terms of time and costs.
“Pilloxa is aiming at pioneering patient centric healthcare where innovation and modern technology is part of the foundation. We are very happy to collaborate with Bayer to meet one of the biggest problems in healthcare: poor adherence to medication. Pilloxa and Bayer join forces to lead the development of digital treatment aids that empowers the patient and improves the result “beyond the pill,” says Francesco Mazzotta, CEO at Pilloxa.
Photo: Pilloxa
Published: March 20, 2019