The Swedish life science strategy has been released

The Swedish government has presented its national life science strategy – a point of departure for them to turn propositions and ambitions into reality, states SwedenBIO.
The strategy is very longed-for by the entire sector, states SwedenBIO, the national non-profit association for the life science industry in Sweden. The industry, the academia and the healthcare sector have contributed with proposals and many actors, not least SwedenBIO, are already doing their best to implement them. “And now, we are expecting the same from the government,” states Helena Strigård, Director General of SwedenBIO.
“A strategy that unite the sector and points out a direction, coming from the government, has an important signaling value. As such we welcome this strategy but we also notice that when it comes to realizing the proposals many of us have already come together and worked operatively with this. The government is welcome to join us anytime.”
Making Sweden a stronger life science nation
The Swedish life science industry is now expecting that both the governmental office as well as different authorities will convene the efforts done by the sector itself in order to make Sweden a stronger life science nation, continues SwedenBIO in its press release. For example, efforts to attract and maintain life science establishments in Sweden and efforts with the goal to strengthen home-grown companies’ abilities to grow and meet demands from the global market.
This requires, says Strigård, both quick preparations of proposals building on regular changes as well as resources in the upcoming budget proposition so that the life science office has administrative efficiency enough to act. “If not, this will only be an intention. A few positive steps have already been taken, for example appointed investigations. It was especially gratifying to see that the need to admit researchers outside the academia into our research infrastructures has been heeded,” she says.
Complex prerequisites
All eight areas that the government has proposals about are important for the sector, continues SwedenBIO, and they are therefore supporting the life science office’s choice to work broadly with the complex prerequisites that a sector located in the borderlines between industry, healthcare and academia is facing – not just the limited approach which was originally presented in the government’s roadmap.
“There are so many low-hanging fruits in so many areas, not least when it comes to making research infrastructure and health data become more available and when it comes to visualizing Sweden as a life science nation internationally towards intelligent capital. There is no reason to waste energy by screaming yourself croaky about what is most important. That energy should instead be used on implementing,” says Strigård.
Photo of Helena Strigård: SwedenBIO
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Published: December 12, 2019