Swedish artists and scientists are forming a community through the Artreslab project, taking shape in the Haga district linking Stockholm and Solna.

One aim of the project is to explore the boundaries and build bridges between scientific and artistic research, says Elisabeth Wade, head of the art Division at the Stockholm County Council’s Culture Committee.

Another goal is to create Northern Europe’s largest life science cluster. As part of the development started in early November, life science researchers and artists are coming together to exchange knowledge and develop their professional skills. For some artists, it is also about pursuing ideas that may become public artwork in the new district.

Six artists and 15 life science researchers are in the project, in addition to cultural administration provided by the National Public Art Council and Stockholm Art. Anant Wagh, a researcher at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet is one of the scientists involved in the project.

During the course of the project, participants plan to meet on a regular basis. Both scientists and artists would like to get new perspectives that can contribute to the further development of their work. The project is scheduled to last through May 2016 and in the end, the artists will present a number of ideas for new artworks.

Source: Life Science Sweden