InfiCure collaborates with CSL

The Umeå based company InfiCure Bio has signed a contract for global collaboration with the global biotech company CSL.
The two companies will test CSL’s experimental anti-fibrotic reagent in the N-IF mouse, InfiCure’s model for fibrosis.
The management team of InfiCure Bio believes that the N-IF mouse will become an important player in the field of fibrosis research and anti-fibrotic drug development, and anticipate that this collaboration will pave the way for further use of the N-IF model, it states.
“This collaboration with CSL is tremendously important for us. CSL is the world’s fifth largest biotech company with a long history of successful research and innovation. They have an excellent track record in research commercialization so this partnership reflects well on the quality and potential of the model we have developed.Prospective partners often ask about who else we are working with. We are very proud to be able to now advise that we are working with one of the world’s leading biotech companies,” says Sofia Mayans, CEO, Inficure Bio.
Published: October 9, 2018